Big Bold Faith

Shining Light in the Workplace: A Conversation with Daniel Prince Tate

Brittany Durphey Episode 78

Faith-based business tips:

God, I need you to send someone right now..." Prince prayed desperately in his car, feeling lost during his college years. Hours later, an elderly woman he'd never met looked him in the eyes and asked, "Why aren't you helping your father in his church?" No one had told her he was a pastor's kid. In that divine moment, Daniel Prince Tate's entire life trajectory changed—a powerful reminder that God hears our cries, even in our wandering.

In this soul-stirring conversation, Brittany welcomes Daniel Prince Tate, an HR professional whose faith journey beautifully illuminates how our corporate positioning often serves a divine purpose far beyond career advancement. Together, they explore the sacred intersection where faith meets workplace, revealing how authentic belief transforms ordinary work into extraordinary ministry.

This divinely appointed conversation offers profound wisdom for believers navigating professional spaces. Prince shares practical strategies for shining your light with wisdom—building relationships before ministry and exercising discernment in spiritual conversations. His journey as a "Daniel in Babylon" demonstrates how God strategically positions His people to advocate, restore balance, and bring Kingdom principles into seemingly secular environments.

Perhaps most transformative is Prince's heartfelt reminder that "your gifting is not for you—it's for other people," challenging you to consider who you're divinely positioned to impact right where you are today. As the episode closes in powerful prayer, you're invited into a sacred moment that transcends the podcast format—a divine appointment waiting to minister to exactly where you stand in your own faith journey.

Guest Info

Daniel Prince Tate is an HR expert and co-chair of SHRM Memphis Emerging Leaders who brings spiritual wisdom to workplace transformation.

Connect with Daniel



Brittany Durphey (00:01.194)
Hello, hello and welcome to the big bold faith podcast a podcast dedicated to getting real about life topics Using our faith in God and my name is Brittany Durfee your hosts and I just would love for you at this moment to share this episode with a family a friend a cam folk and Go find us on our official YouTube page because it's new and God is giving me that assignment in this season and we've got a lot of great content in 2025 but

Today, I am thrilled to introduce someone very special. This young man, I'm gonna wait to give your name because I just feel like that's just the connection. I wanna hold it as long as I can. I met this individual at PodFest and the connection was divine. Man of God, he's a thought leader in HR who truly embodies what it means to lead with faith and purpose. With six years transforming the workplace cultures, he isn't just an HR expert.

Prince Tate (00:40.632)

Brittany Durphey (01:00.318)
but he's a compassionate guide who brings heart to every interaction. And as a co-chair of the SHRM and Memphis Emerging Leaders, he is revolutionizing how organizations think about people development, always leading with a genuine care and spiritual wisdom. And this man truly is special in his authentic desire to see other people thrive. And whether he's advising executives or mentoring emerging professionals,

His heart is warm and his deep faith shines through everything that he does. And so he's not just changing workplaces, but he's changing lives, one relationship at a time. So let's get ready for a great conversation that weaves together professional insight with spiritual purpose. Please welcome Daniel Prince Tate. Hello, hello. Welcome to the podcast, my friend.

Prince Tate (01:49.518)
Hey, I'm super excited to be here. Thank you, Brittany, for this, well, I'll just say an awesome introduction. But thank you so much.

Brittany Durphey (01:58.92)
Did I get it all right? I just want to make sure you do a lot of amazing things. I was reading and I was like, God, like I

Prince Tate (02:06.318)
Look, I do a lot, but it's all for the purpose that God has given me to do all these things and to be in all these spaces, to really make an impact in people's lives. And so again, I think you did a really good job with the intro.

Brittany Durphey (02:08.456)
Be like Prez.

Brittany Durphey (02:16.231)

Brittany Durphey (02:26.954)
So you you're based in Memphis, I mean, I guess let's start back I met you at podfest I really didn't want to be there if I'm gonna be 100 % honest I was really just going out of obedience. I got the opportunity to Win a free ticket and I was like, okay God, I guess I'm blessed and highly favored and then I found out everybody else was also blessed and highly favored and I say God This was like gimmick. This was a good how all of us out here

Prince Tate (02:35.234)

Prince Tate (02:41.698)


Prince Tate (02:48.948)
Yes, I was.

Brittany Durphey (02:55.146)
And it just so touched to see your ferventness and really your passion behind it. I I talk to people all the time that say that they're believers and such, but really like connecting and seeing your heart and your warmth and just the energy and vigor and just like the things you say, they just had a different weight about them. I don't know if you know that, but like your voice and your words and how you approach people, it just changes the dynamic. Like you could just say the, and I'd be like, ooh.

Prince Tate (03:05.153)

Prince Tate (03:15.224)

Prince Tate (03:24.268)
Ha ha!

Brittany Durphey (03:24.394)
That's heavy in my stomach. I felt the revelation. I felt the revelation. And so I really just wanted to like connect with you with other like mindedness people on this podcast that are contending for their faith that are these everyday life topics that we, you know, I know that you, I believe you grew up in the church. Yes.

Prince Tate (03:27.304)

Bye bye.

Prince Tate (03:41.88)
Yes, I did. My father, was a pastor, preacher. He had did ministry for over 50 years. And I'm not that old, but my father, had me at a young, hold on, he had me when he was 52. Yeah, yeah. And so he had six kids after the age of 50.

Brittany Durphey (03:50.706)
You're not that old. You are not that old.

Brittany Durphey (04:01.97)


Prince Tate (04:11.022)
And I'm right in the middle with a twin. So he's been doing ministry for over 55 years. He passed away back in 2000, I believe 16. And, you know, my brothers and sisters, we've just been serving God ever since, you know. The Bible says, train up a child the way they should go for when they get old, they will not depart, right?

Brittany Durphey (04:38.996)

Prince Tate (04:39.176)
And not just my father, but my mother, my grandmother, and even those around us really helped to shape us to who we are today. And really, I look at it in a way of really defining us, or let me just say me, but defining me into the man I am and really just me getting into my purpose and the plan that God has for me.

Brittany Durphey (05:04.635)
Mm-hmm. That's amazing. like, that inspired, encouraged me. I'm 52, my God. Like, that's that Sarah Abraham type of faith. Like, we still having kids out here? Like, at that time, like, okay. Like, I feel inspired. What led you to kind of find, you know, we're talking about purpose. And I know that, you know, that's a common topic for people that are believers and non-believers of finding like, God, what is that?

Prince Tate (05:11.895)

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Prince Tate (05:24.931)

Brittany Durphey (05:31.658)
What is it that you call me to do? And I know that you're in like the HR space, which I guess we can expound on that a little bit later, but really like coming out of the, I guess I would say out of the shadows of being a PK, right? And coming from a family of like, y'all really about that life. How do you find and be like, God, we, I'm not, or not God, but dad, I'm not going into ministry. You know, I'm not doing this, but I'm still holding it down in the workplace and corporate part of the fortune 500, all of those things. Like, how do you, how did you, how did you navigate that?

Prince Tate (05:34.179)

Prince Tate (05:38.766)

Prince Tate (05:43.106)

Prince Tate (06:02.606)
Well, the thing is, when you're a preacher's kid, you have a purpose, and I like to say a mission as well, in the ministry. And regardless if you took a backseat in that, most PK kids, I mean, you don't have a choice. And I'll just say this, we all grew up singing, right? And so...

my dad, would go preach. And guess what? You better believe the Tates are coming to give us an A and maybe a B selection, right? And we weren't the best at it, but we learned how to, you know, we figured out like, hey, I was the lead singer. And so that really kind of led me into ministry in praise and worship.

Brittany Durphey (06:37.704)
The same.

Brittany Durphey (06:58.89)

Prince Tate (06:59.262)
and really being able to give myself to the Lord in a way where I'm like, okay, okay, God, use me the way you want to use me. And so I believe that as you, you have your purpose in ministry or as we say in the church, but you also have your, you have a ministry in the workplace and where you are. You know, Jesus, he discipled

his apostles and he discipled many people who followed him. And I think that all of us has a purpose and a plan for everything we do. And we have to take that and we have to use it wherever we are. So it doesn't matter if you work from home. It doesn't matter if you're just a stay at home mom or dad.

But I believe that everything you do, wherever you go, that there is an assignment for you. And a lot of times it's really not for you, it's for other people. The Bible talks about your gifting will make room for you, right? And so people have to take it into perspective that, hmm, my gift, I don't care if it's singing, I don't care if it's working in corporate America, working in legal, or to what you do, entrepreneurship.

everyone has a purpose in the plan and you have to use that gift that God has given you in every area of your life. And so it's all about being authentically you and really using your light or using what God has given you in every aspects of your life. can't, one thing that I've learned is you can't really separate

ministry from your professional life or your professional career. Because if you do that, you're really trying to dim your light. But I believe that you have to be what God has called you to be, even if you don't know it. Some people don't know, like, what am I supposed to do, right? And again, we talk about purpose. What am I supposed to do? Really do what God has called you to do. And that is to be a light.

Prince Tate (09:25.262)
for this dark world, right? But I'll start right there. I kind of getting ahead of myself, but when we talk about purpose and really, how do you navigate ministry, work? It's all one. It's not, or it shouldn't be separate, but it should be all included. And that's how you be yourself as a person as well.

Brittany Durphey (09:41.898)

Brittany Durphey (09:50.442)
That is so like, there's so many things that came to mind and I thank you for sharing that because a lot of people feel overwhelmed by the assignment and feeling like that, you know, that it has to be one thing and I think God is wiser than that, right? Like if he puts a gift in you, that gift doesn't just have one.

Prince Tate (10:07.085)

Brittany Durphey (10:13.642)
one role or one position, right? Like if you're called to be a builder, like you might think, oh, okay, I can only be a carpenter. But it's like, no, I want you to build this. I want you to build systems. I want you to build people. I want you to build a whole new world. And when you look at it like that, it's it's endless because obviously our creator is endless. He is the author of everything. He is the idea of everything else. And then you were talking about light and I wasn't going to share this, but since the Holy Spirit is so heavy on my throat.

Prince Tate (10:17.421)

Prince Tate (10:30.188)

Brittany Durphey (10:40.29)
on everybody that I talked to, I guess I'm going to share this in conversation with you. And I hope and pray that it's it's enlightening for someone else. I'm still learning about it. And so you're talking about this light and we reference in Matthew five, thirteen. It's right after the beatitudes and God's like, you know, he's going around and he's healing everyone. And then he sits on the mountain and gives this I believe it's the mount on the sermon on the mount where he's kind of telling the beatitudes of like you will be blessed for this.

And then out of that, you know, he talks about persecution and then straight into that, he talks about being salt and being a salt of the earth and a salt does not lose its flavor. And as I was studying and have been studying for it, salt is an active ingredient, right? Salt is essential to the human body. We need salt. But then further, salt, if you do a little bit of a deep dive, when they when they would give a grain offering to the Lord in Leviticus two, they would accompany it with salt because it was pure.

Prince Tate (11:13.582)

Brittany Durphey (11:39.188)
that it was preservative and it was covering God being the covenant of all things. And then you go into the light and light being a luminary and being a reflection of him and it being silly to try to cover and conceal certain parts of your life. And that's something that I'm still kind of like, okay, God, what areas am I dealing with where I'm like, I'm hiding, because that's been my thing this year. Like I think I told you.

Prince Tate (12:00.685)

Brittany Durphey (12:02.346)
God's like come out of hiding and I'm thinking as one thing and God keeps if this if somebody else says Matthew 513 to me I'm going I'm gonna wrestle you I'm going to wrestle you you ever hear a little light of mine I'm like God I literally before we got on this podcast somebody else said it and I was like Jesus what what am I not hearing practically but wanting to share that because it's like your light must shine 360

Prince Tate (12:04.014)

Prince Tate (12:09.314)

Prince Tate (12:21.282)

Prince Tate (12:25.741)
Right, right.

Brittany Durphey (12:25.788)
If you look at, you know, in all areas and fashions of your life, and I think that you do a wonderful job with that, but I was going to kind of transition and say, you know, what, as a man that's in corporate America, what is, what is HR? What is it that you do? How do you let your light shine when these people begin on your nerves? Cause I used to, I used to work in a nine to five. I really did. and I, I still operate with fortune 500 companies and stuff like that, but let day to day task of how do you.

Prince Tate (12:37.88)

Prince Tate (12:44.206)

Prince Tate (12:53.966)

Brittany Durphey (12:56.082)
you know, just so much separation and you know how darkness likes to take over and people are like, you know, be quiet about your faith. How do you do that well? And how have you been able to navigate those conversations in those rooms and those spaces to still show up authentically as front state?

Prince Tate (13:10.638)
Yeah. So let me say this first, this light, and you said, this little light of mine. It's so funny you said that because, believe it or not, that was one of the first songs when my brothers and I, would sing. I mean, we were like little, we was in elementary, right? And we would sing this little light of mine. So it's very interesting how you brought that up. And now that I'm thinking about it, it's ingrained in me since child.

Brittany Durphey (13:24.819)

Brittany Durphey (13:39.144)

Prince Tate (13:40.514)
Like this little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. And so I think, you know, when I think about the question you asked, how do I really let my light shine and even my spiritual life and not really setting it apart in the workplace? Number one, you know, especially when I was thinking about, okay, God, what do want me to share on this podcast? And he would say, you have to be authentically you.

You have to be true to yourself. And a part of that is, again, you cannot let your light be dim. You cannot hide it. You have to be you. I have a brother-in-law, and he is so bold in the faith to where I don't care what job he worked in. Sometimes they would, I'll just say fire him because of how much

He would just share about Jesus and share about God. And me working in corporate America, there is somewhat of a fine line between that. But there are different ways you can incorporate it without, I'll just say losing your job. So in HR, particularly what I'm doing right now, I deal with a lot of employee relations. And believe it or not,

Brittany Durphey (14:57.106)

Prince Tate (15:08.706)
There are situations that come to my desk where employees are complaining about individuals who may be doing too much, I'll just say. This person prayed for me and they did X, Y, and Z and I didn't like it. Or I had another situation. This person was trying to prophesy to me and tell me all about my life.

Brittany Durphey (15:21.277)

Prince Tate (15:37.666)
Well, this is what I would say, and this is one thing I do. You gotta have wisdom with ministering in the workplace. You gotta have wisdom, and you have to ask the Lord, Lord, how do I navigate if you're telling me something to tell someone or this particular person, how do I do it? And you really have to ask yourself that because two, you don't want to offend

Brittany Durphey (15:43.668)

Prince Tate (16:07.626)
someone, but you want to be able to connect with them and get the message to them. And that's what's really important. It's not about just, I'm going be obedient and do what God tell me to do, but you've got to have wisdom. And I love this scripture that talks about having favor with God and man. You got to have favor with them, right? So the Bible also talks about compel them to come to Christ. So how do you do that? You got to convince them.

Brittany Durphey (16:08.65)

Brittany Durphey (16:12.616)

Brittany Durphey (16:21.226)

Prince Tate (16:35.606)
And it's not always saying, hey, you know, God told me this, like you have to build your connection with people, especially in the workplace and even in situations and say, hey, is it okay if I just kind of share with you what I believe God shared with me to share with you? But sometimes in these two scenarios that I shared, neither one of them did that. It was just a direct approach.

Brittany Durphey (16:55.018)

Prince Tate (17:04.938)
So you gotta have wisdom as you shine your light because people will mistaken you and be like, hmm, they're too religious for me. But dealing with that in a corporate space, again, you gotta ask God for wisdom. I think that's number one. Ask God for direction. Like, God, how do I do this? How do I still shine your light or shine my light and really get people to

believe in what I'm saying. So there are moments where I can, where I'm able to make individual impact. And I always ask God, okay, God, are you telling me to share something with this person? If they're coming to my office and they have a complaint, I can't deal with this anymore, or I can't work in this type of environment. If God is telling me to tell them something, I often do it in a way where

Number one, they're able to receive it. And sometimes that means not mentioning the word Jesus or God, but doing it in a way where they can understand where you're coming from, but not being too religious. So, you know, wisdom is the key, I would say, to really making an impact where you are in your workplace.

Brittany Durphey (18:06.439)

Brittany Durphey (18:13.066)

Brittany Durphey (18:32.617)

Prince Tate (18:34.284)
But kind of get into one of the scenarios. had this young lady say, you know, this team member, or actually she was a team lead, she was praying for me and she touched me. And I was like, how petty is that? Come on now, you can't let mother pray for you. And you know how it is, you know, just touch, whether it's the arm or if you sit down. And, you know, I had to really navigate. I understood.

Brittany Durphey (18:56.756)

Prince Tate (19:04.312)
her thought process because she was uncomfortable. And, you know, she may not be religious or spiritual. There's a difference, right? And so I had to understand, hmm, let me see how to really navigate this because I understand, you know, if you're not spiritual or religious, this may be, you know, a little too uncomfortable for you.

Brittany Durphey (19:08.746)
Prince Tate (19:34.39)
And so I had an opportunity to talk with her in a one-on-one and just really share with her that, hey, I'm going to be able to help you and advocate for you in regards to you being uncomfortable. But there's one thing I always ask. Have you had an opportunity to speak with that person to let them know that you were uncomfortable? Because if you allow

Brittany Durphey (19:56.114)
Mm. Mm-hmm.

Prince Tate (20:01.57)
that person to continue to do it, they may not know, they think, I'm working for the Lord. But in actuality, you're working against what God has told you to do because you're not being, what, effective. So it's all about being effective in reaching people, in sharing the gospel, even in the workplace. But again, also being you and authentically you.

in a way where people can also receive you.

Brittany Durphey (20:33.162)
So much wisdom behind all of that. I respect that. And I'm also taking internal notes because it sounds like your folks just came off of 21 days of prayer and fasting. So they were out here like, I'm doing the Lord's work. But it sounds also like, I mean, there's a level of what is good and what is God. And with that, there's a level of pride that has to be humbled. And when I think about

Prince Tate (20:46.222)

Brittany Durphey (20:59.614)
going out into all of the world, God was very relatable. I think of every time that he had come into connection with people that had an ailment that needed healing, it wasn't like, says the Lord. It was like, you know, it was very personable. It was very much like, you know, my daughter, were healed or you were, know, because of your faith. wasn't like in revel, in Exodus or wherever we were in the scripture, like let me come and shake.

And not even having, like I'm thinking through it I'm like, I don't even feel like God sat with them and prayed with them or Jesus didn't even sit with them and prayed with them. He just like gave a blessing unto them, but knew what they needed in that season. And like, that's just so deep because I think a lot of us in the workplace feel like, or I have felt like I'll just make it about my own, that I'm not being effective enough because I'm not professing.

Prince Tate (21:43.043)

Brittany Durphey (21:51.528)
God, God, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, God, but then knowing people's hearts. And when you think about even ground, the ground that's been hard, you've got to water the ground first to even dig deep to replant a new seed. And some of them just need to be watered for an external amount of time to prepare for the harvest that will ultimately be God's. But essentially, it's just like, OK, God.

Prince Tate (22:00.78)
Mm-hmm. Yep.

Prince Tate (22:07.79)
Right, right.

Brittany Durphey (22:15.58)
I'm just watering and then Prince is gonna come in and he gonna water some more and then somebody else is gonna come in and water some more and it's gonna feel like it's flooding but that flood is making room for you and space for you and irrigation and like airing out like all of the things and just being patient with people. I mean, that's a fruit of the spirit when we think about it. Patient, patient of ourself, patient about other people coming to believe in this gospel and it's like.

Prince Tate (22:17.816)

Prince Tate (22:32.724)
Mm-hmm, absolutely.

Brittany Durphey (22:38.802)
you know, all you can do is continue to intercede and to be available, which I believe Paul talks about in the New Testament of like, you know, when they ask you to be able to give an account and so being prepared with your testimony, being prepared that when their hearts become soft and available, which most of the Israelites had for a really long time, had hearts needed to be softened to just go and listen, listen for it. But you know, you don't do any

Prince Tate (23:01.07)
Right, right.

Brittany Durphey (23:05.812)
good work by trying to like shake someone and force someone to believe in a God that's always given us the choice to either follow him or not to follow him. yeah. Yeah.

Prince Tate (23:14.194)
Right, Right. But you know, I think, again, it's all about you got to ask yourself, or not yourself, but ask God, give me the wisdom to navigate this workplace as I share your gospel. And again, with that analogy that you just shared with watering.

Brittany Durphey (23:33.758)

Prince Tate (23:39.758)
the ground before you try to till it or dig something up, I think you have to figure out a way to connect with individuals. And that connection may not be, it may not start spiritually. I may come up to you and say, Brittany, how's it going? And we may just talk about the weekend before.

You start sharing personal things that's going on. And I'm like, okay, that's what God told me. That's what God told me about. Now, let me get in there and really share with you, hey, well, you know what? I believe that you're be all right. And then you apply scripture and apply the wisdom that God has given you through conversations and building your relationship with that individual. People have to remember, this is not a sprint.

It's a marathon. It's a lifelong marathon, right? And so I think if we really look at that and say, you know what, yes, I would love for them to get saved today or tomorrow, but I need to understand. Sometimes we have to reflect on ourselves. Now I've been in church all my life, but we have to reflect on ourselves and say, hmm, how long did it really take me?

Brittany Durphey (24:38.026)
It's long game. It is such a long game. It is, it is.

Prince Tate (25:06.84)
to really get the memo that, I need to live a safe life, right? And I will say this, and I think a lot of preacher's kids are in the same boat. You've heard it. They say, you know, preacher's kids are the worst. But I think for me, I had to go into life and I had to figure this thing on my own. I couldn't just...

Brittany Durphey (25:11.124)

Brittany Durphey (25:32.906)

Prince Tate (25:34.626)
continue to rely on my dad's ministry to say, hmm, I'm saved. I'm sanctified. And you know what they say, fill it with the Holy Ghost. But I think that for me, I had to really step out and start living to really understand like, hmm, you know what? I really want to live for Christ. In my college days,

As soon as I went to college, it went the opposite way. I wasn't in the church a whole lot. And a part of that is because I worked a job on Sunday. But for me, I found God even in that moment. And I have to say, you know what? Life had gotten too heavy for me. And I asked God, said, God,

Brittany Durphey (26:23.914)

Prince Tate (26:33.292)
I need you to send me someone right now. I was in my car driving and I said, Lord, I need you to send me someone right now because I'm not in a place where I'm being true to myself in my relationship with you.

A few hours later, it was this older lady. She had, to make a long story short, she was in this particular place with my sister and I was helping my sister to try to get a job. And while she was waiting there, all she had to do was get a drug test. She could not use the restroom. And I heard her talking with this lady and I'm an extrovert.

I want to be included on the conversation. I went and just sat, because I'm like, ooh, I want to be a part of the conversation. And she looked at me and she said, hmm. She said, why aren't you helping your dad in his church? And I was like, who's she talking to? You know? I'm like, hold on, what? And then she said this, them friends you hanging around with are not your friends.

And from that moment, I looked at my twin sister and I said, I didn't say anything. I just looked at her and she said, I didn't say nothing. didn't say nothing. And that's when I realized, God, he's good. He's real because he heard my cry in a moment where I felt like the world for me was about to end because what I was doing in my college days.

Brittany Durphey (27:57.13)
Brittany Durphey (28:18.57)

Prince Tate (28:19.022)
And in that moment, I gave my life back to Christ. And I said, God, from this day forward, you can use me the way you want to use me. Because I was able to see him for myself. Again, not just, you know, with my dad's ministry and me, you know, doing things in the church, but I had to realize for myself who God was. And in that moment, I realized

God is real. God is real because he heard my cry.

Brittany Durphey (28:54.378)
Absolutely, that's so powerful. What do you, what did you do immediately after, can I ask, like after that moment when you heard that, like when she was like just speaking of a prophecy, I mean at that point it's not even the future, it's present tense, it's very present.

Prince Tate (29:03.192)
So you.

Prince Tate (29:10.23)
Right. But you know, the biggest thing for me was God, heard me. When I just asked him, said, I need you to send somebody right now. And he did it. And I didn't even think about it. I was like, wait, I asked God for this. And immediately, you know, she prayed for me after she was telling me all about myself. And I mean, she probably was like a 70 something year old lady. I mean, she was pretty old.

Brittany Durphey (29:14.568)

Brittany Durphey (29:39.754)
She's one of the mothers of the church.

Prince Tate (29:39.786)
And to me, to me, she was an angel because that is what I needed at that moment. And I took heed to her word immediately. And when I tell you I was serious about this thing, I was serious about this thing. All of those friends that I hung out with, I blocked their numbers right there.

I mean, cold turkey. Folks didn't hear from me. I mean, unless they saw me on the street. And I took it seriously because I knew I was like, if God heard me, then what more can he do for me? How much more of an impact can he be in my life with me than without me? And I'm not one of those persons that

Brittany Durphey (30:12.201)

Prince Tate (30:34.636)
You know, I didn't like, I need to take time and think about it. No, I knew in that moment. I was like, no, I got to get rid of these folks because they're toxic. They're, you know, messing me up because I know that God has a plan for me. And so I don't want to be in a place where my, you know, my parents and my brothers and sisters would have to bury me before my time simply because

Brittany Durphey (31:00.682)

Prince Tate (31:03.478)
I was being disobedient with God and being disobedient from what my parents have taught me. Right? We go back to that scripture, train up a child in the way that they should go. So when they get older, they will not depart. I departed for a little bit, for a season, but I got right back on track. And that's the kind of God we serve, right? Who is faithful in watching over us, covering us, even in our sins.

Brittany Durphey (31:19.466)
But you got it back on track. Yeah, you got it back on track. Yeah.

Prince Tate (31:33.038)
And even to a point to where we say, God, I'm back in, put me back in, right? And so yeah, in that moment, I got rid of it. I I blocked folks' cell phones, social media. I mean, I was really serious about this, because it just really surprised me how quickly God responded and sent someone just for me.

Brittany Durphey (31:47.869)
You're about that life.

Brittany Durphey (31:51.996)
As we should.

Brittany Durphey (31:59.688)
And I believe like him, there's three things I wanna say. There's the fact of just your rapid response of like turning and repenting essentially what it is. God being able to be like, okay, like can trust my child. And just the kindness of God to allow you to get off track, to get back on track. Because I think that that's important. And I say this often where I think that,

you kind of, I cannot remember her name, there's an Instagram person, she's like, you know, there's an angel and she's like, oh, I'll see for myself. And I think that there's some empowerment of seeing for yourself to be able to put yourself back in place. Like, you know, as a little kid, you were like, oh, I'm a doodist and then you quickly found the belt. I know they don't use belts anymore, but whatever they were using, I got hit with at a Christian school with the double rulers.

Prince Tate (32:44.683)

Prince Tate (32:48.59)

Brittany Durphey (32:48.636)
And you're like, I'ma see for myself. And your hands were never the same. You will never get that out of your mind. But God is such a kind God to let us see for ourselves, to bring us back. And some of us are off the road longer than much, but what a kind God that he doesn't control us in a way that he gives us the option now or later, but he's giving us this very brief moment in time to turn back to him.

And then of course there'll be a time where we don't have an option to choose him, that our choice is our choice. And I think there's just something so powerful about that. And then when you were speaking, I thought how interesting that God is using you to continue to be a shepherd. I don't know if you've put the math together, but as you're not shepherding people as far as in the church, but you're shepherding people in the workplace and not being a ministry of your own, of being in a position to review cases of people that are like this person and.

Prince Tate (33:37.634)

Brittany Durphey (33:44.522)
then prayed all over me. They had came in early, like my wall's a little oily, like what's going on Prince? And you get a place to be in a position of a favor, but also of like authority in your place in space to do everything that God has called you to do of watching over his people while in that place. Like, I don't know if you saw the math and I was like thinking about it I was like, you're not a preacher. You're not following your father per se.

Prince Tate (33:49.44)

Prince Tate (34:05.152)
Mmm, yeah. Yeah.


Brittany Durphey (34:13.332)
but you're in a very divine place and space where God is allowing you to mold and to touch and to transform people that wouldn't be transforming the traditional church, right? They're outside of the church, but there is a technically a body and an organization and you're able to see gifts, you're able to produce fruit in that season and to bring light essentially. So I was just like, that was just downloaded in my spirit.

Prince Tate (34:15.917)

Prince Tate (34:23.458)
Right, right.

Prince Tate (34:36.962)
No, no, absolutely. That is exactly, I believe, a part of my calling and my purpose for this season while I work in HR. And I say that because HR isn't my end game, right? Yeah. And that's the part of me right now that I'm like,

Brittany Durphey (34:56.25)
We know We know I'm ready for it. I don't know what's coming. I'm like

Prince Tate (35:06.836)
I'm not going to say I'm confused because that ain't nothing but the devil, but I am in the place right now where I believe God is transitioning me. But of course it takes time, right? And I feel it, I see it, and I'm like, God, okay, you know, I can be in HR, but what else you got for me? You know? But...

Brittany Durphey (35:17.588)

Prince Tate (35:33.694)
I'm gonna leave that alone for right now, but kind of going back to what you were saying, me being in a position, I often tell people I'm not a traditional HR person. What do you think about when you think about HR? You think about police, policy, you getting in trouble, somebody getting in trouble, somebody getting fired, right? Right? But I take a different approach to this.

Brittany Durphey (35:52.948)
Somebody laying it off. Somebody is about to get laid.

Prince Tate (36:04.628)
always looking to ensure that there is fairness across the board, whether you're an employee or a manager. And a lot of times employees don't really know this, but guess what? I advocate for a lot of employees when they should have been fired. I was the voice of reason to say, know what?

have we thought about a different thought? Have we thought about a different plan to approach this situation? And employees will never know. But I am there to ensure that our leaders are doing things equitably, as well as fair. If you're going to coach somebody,

Brittany Durphey (36:37.226)

Prince Tate (37:03.47)
The reason for you to coach somebody shouldn't be to get them out of the organization. It should be to help them to grow them into the position that they're in. If they're doing something wrong, then again, my question is going to be, what are you doing to help them? Right? And sometimes I have to be a part of those conversations, but believe it or not, some of my leaders, they'll try me.

Brittany Durphey (37:24.318)

Prince Tate (37:32.546)
And I say, I need to fire this person. And I say, okay, well, let's walk through everything that we need to walk through. And one of my leaders told me this a couple of weeks ago. She told me, she said, oftentimes I just want to let them go because I personally have given them so much grace. But when I hear you say, well, have we thought about? I know.

Let me just listen to what Daniel has to say. Right? But I think for me, you know, God has placed me in a unique position to really help people, even people who deserve, I'll say, to be fired. But I believe that there is grace for everyone. And if we are not

Brittany Durphey (38:03.642)

Prince Tate (38:29.184)
Or I'll say this, if we're in a position that that employee is in, would we want grace, ourself? And so, you know, it's a lot of conversations like that, almost every day that I have with leaders, directors, managers, executives, and to really getting them to think, okay, how can we ensure that we're doing the right thing, not just for the company?

but morally, right? We're all human, right? And so again, this is a very unique position that God has placed me in and he's graced me to work in the HR field. And I say, you know, even this is my ministry, right? And even helping to develop people with the emerging leader space that I'm in. Helping to...

Brittany Durphey (39:24.714)

Prince Tate (39:26.934)
be that light for them even in their careers as well. So, you know, this thing is not just spiritual, but it's a way for me to connect with people that I never thought I would connect with. And even utilizing my light and my purpose to get them to a place where, hey, let's have a conversation about your spiritual life. And I don't do it to everyone.

But if God is nudging on me and saying, hey, I need to talk to that person, I'm going to find a way to connect with them and start having those conversations where I am.

Brittany Durphey (40:09.842)
That's awesome. That's beautiful. I'm going to share this because it came to me. that's where my little headbob came. I was perfectly fine engaged in conversation. So your name is Daniel. And I'm sure people say this all the time. But when you were when you were speaking.

Take this back to the Lord. Let me take this 100 % back to the Lord. I'm not one of those where I'm gonna give you and be like, take it. But what I saw was like equivalent to Daniel, right? You're sitting in a place of favor, but you're sitting into a place where it's like Babylon essentially. And you have the ability to establish the justice, a just God of what he wants of helping balance scales that don't seem to be balanced. And you're in a place of position that looks...

Prince Tate (40:34.092)

Brittany Durphey (40:57.404)
often looks dark, right? Complaints, people getting fired, it doesn't have the best light. But you're literally covering and protecting people. You're sitting in a place of honor and fervent of doing the work of the Lord and trans. And I don't know what that transition looks like, but it just it came to mind. I was like, obviously, like your real name is Daniel. But then like the whole book of Daniel came to me and I was like, you're literally sitting in a place for God to be the to establish the scales to level back out the scales that

Prince Tate (41:25.676)
Mm, that is so good.

Brittany Durphey (41:26.6)
they haven't been in the favor with other people and where you're literally like protecting people that like if they were to go before the king their head would be you know cut off essentially or they would be fired or they would be laid off but there's something that seems different in this position and you're in that place you're that just opposed where you're literally covering people are covering God's people and I'm

Prince Tate (41:45.133)

Brittany Durphey (41:51.762)
I'm excited to see what God decides to do or transitions you to do next. I know it's a transition season for me and I know what that tug in that field looked like. Like God is not, none of it makes sense. It feels, it feels confusing. I'm gonna say it for myself. It seems confusing, Lord. It don't make sense. The math's not math-ing, the vision's not visioning. And people are asking me, what are you doing? And I'm like, please stop asking me what we're doing. But yeah, I would take that back to the Lord. And I'm sure you've studied the book of Daniel because your name's Daniel, but I would just suggest what

Prince Tate (42:09.879)

Prince Tate (42:18.028)
Yeah, yeah.

Brittany Durphey (42:21.15)
what that looks like to be in a place of higher up where they even just trusted him so much to be through certain different certain different Kings through different seasons where they would call and be like, you know, there's somebody that does know this information. We don't know it but like let's go ask Daniel because we don't have I know somebody that was able to do King Nebuchadnezzar, but like let's ask for this King's up and it's like

Prince Tate (42:26.016)

Prince Tate (42:30.08)
Right, right.

Prince Tate (42:38.36)

Brittany Durphey (42:46.076)
you're the and you're learning unfortunately you have got to learn like the ways of the world but you know the ways of you know God and never bowing down to like this idol and all of the things so I'm not gonna recap the whole book of Daniel but that's just what it came to me

Prince Tate (42:52.82)
Hmm. Yeah.

Prince Tate (42:59.714)
No, look, I've never thought of that. Guess what? So, you know, like Daniel, he was someone as an advisor, right, to the king. But not only that, he had favor. And guess the name of my department? HR Business Advisory.

Brittany Durphey (43:06.963)

Brittany Durphey (43:13.554)
Mm-hmm. He was.

Prince Tate (43:28.35)
And so I've never really thought about that. just with you just sharing that, wow, I mean, it just literally blew my mind.

Brittany Durphey (43:33.087)

Brittany Durphey (43:38.986)
Yeah, it brings me joy. Like I want to cry essentially, like as it was being downloaded and you were talking, I'm like, Holy Spirit. Okay, cool. Great. Let's just like get through this interview. really like, yeah, being an advisor of many, being the counsel of like executive leaderships in places and spaces where people like, there's a lot of dark, but you become the light and you get a chance to like still stand and you don't have to conceal.

Prince Tate (44:04.075)
Hmm. Yeah.

Brittany Durphey (44:07.56)
you were like going back to what we talked about from the beginning. You don't have to conceal it. People are just gonna have to be uncomfortable with it being God. And they're gonna be like, yeah, your God is the one that knows all things, even if they're still operating in the dark, but you get to be an advisor of like just executive boards and places and spaces. And I don't know what that means. don't know what that, how to take it back to the Lord. But I did what I was supposed to do. I communicated it and I'm just so grateful.

Prince Tate (44:31.192)

Brittany Durphey (44:36.394)
For your time and just sharing impactful, I'm sure we could go for a whole other hour, because I just felt it. I felt it for sure. But what is one lasting thing that you would tell to the people that are looking for their life? They're looking to be Daniels in their department, essentially, or whatever else that you want to share as one lasting piece of wisdom and counsel.

Prince Tate (44:57.379)

Prince Tate (45:01.088)
Yes, I'm going leave y'all with this. Oftentimes people will come to me and they'll complain of the place and space of where they are. know, all get frustrated in our jobs and hoping and wishing that we see green on the other side, right? Or we see grass on the other side.

Brittany Durphey (45:12.042)

Prince Tate (45:26.882)
But this is what I want to share with someone who's in a place where you may not want to be where you are. And as I'm talking to you, I'm talking to myself, right? You have to realize, and I talked a little bit about gifting, right? Your gifting will make room for you, but you have to understand that your gifting is not for you. It's for other people.

And sometimes it will hurt us, but it's so that other people can receive your gifting in a way that's going to help them. And you don't know how it helps them, right? But you have to remember that your gifting, it's not for you.

Brittany Durphey (46:20.618)

Prince Tate (46:22.582)
It's not for you. And that kind of goes into purpose, right? Because God says, or the book says, that He knows the plans that He had for you, but it also talks about really your purpose. He knows your purpose. He knows where He needs you to be in a specific moment, in a specific time. And so what I want you to ask yourself is, God, why am I here?

What is the purpose? What is the reason why I'm here? And even sometimes, who am I here for? Right? And as you ask those questions, God, He will reveal those things to you. And you'll begin to see, hmm, okay, God, I see why you have me here for the season. I see why you haven't allowed me to move on, even though when there's plenty of opportunity, right?

Brittany Durphey (46:58.794)

Prince Tate (47:21.026)
But you have to ask yourself those two questions. And then I'll say this as well, because believe it or not, there are people who are praying for your opportunity. There are people, just figuratively, I'll just say down below, that are looking up and saying, God, ooh, I wish I was in that position. And we take it for granted. And we think that...

I'm so special that I'm supposed to be at a Fortune 500 company. I'm supposed to be making a million dollars as an entrepreneur. But God says, this is where I need you at this moment for someone and for other reasons. And you really have to go in prayer and ask God, what is it? Tell me, show me what it is.

So if you don't know what it is, and even if you know what it is, then you have to give yourself grace and allow God to continue to use you the way he wants to use you.

Brittany Durphey (48:28.926)
Wow, that was powerful. That was so powerful. I'm like, hold on, wait a minute, let me take some notes. Pritz, my gosh. Okay, well, thank you so much. Where can the people find you if they're looking for just additional counsel, wisdom? You've got a beautiful podcast, which I love. I love, love, love, like the whole production of me. But where did the people find you?

Prince Tate (48:35.662)

Prince Tate (48:50.754)
Thank you. Thank you. You can find me on LinkedIn. I'm mostly on LinkedIn like every day because I manage two other pages on there. But you can find me on LinkedIn, Daniel Prince Tate, Sherm-CP. You can also find me, my podcast is Transparent HR Podcast. If you want to hear a little bit more about

Brittany Durphey (49:10.099)

Prince Tate (49:20.11)
navigating your career and workplace. We have transparent conversations and really trying to give you insight from a lens of a HR professional and what we see. So you could find me on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, almost everywhere except for Twitter. I just don't like Twitter. But you can find me and my podcast is, I like to say it is,

HR Workplace faith-based podcast. And so I do have an opportunity to continue to shine my light. In each episode, towards the end of the episode, I share a Bible verse scripture of encouragement to encourage people out there in the workplace, in their careers. And so it's a really great opportunity. And I just want to share this. You know, God gave me this podcast.

Brittany Durphey (49:58.449)
As you said.

Prince Tate (50:18.666)
I never thought I would be doing all of this, all of this stuff that you see, right? But I woke up one morning and God gave me this clear vision to create a podcast and just really to help people, right, in their careers and in the workplace. And believe it or not, my podcast has reached different countries, counties in the US, states in the US.

Brittany Durphey (50:45.97)
Hey man, come on, let's go.

Prince Tate (50:48.418)
I think right now I'm about like 500 downloads, but God is just amazing in what he is doing. believe it or not, Brittany, this is just the beginning. This is just the beginning of what God is doing. So stay tuned, as I say on my podcast. Stay tuned.

Brittany Durphey (51:00.22)
I know, I know.

Brittany Durphey (51:05.033)
Stay tuned y'all, go find him. I will put it all in the show notes so you guys can find him. And what a beautiful, powerful, such a phenomenal podcast. I've gotten a chance to listen to a couple of different episodes and cannot wait. Y'all are like, y'all in the early stages, but I cannot wait to see episode 25, episode 50, actually 100, let me go. But before we leave, we always pray and we pray out. And so I'm gonna...

Prince Tate (51:21.902)

Brittany Durphey (51:31.806)
give you the honor to pray us out and yeah if you guys want to find them definitely but I appreciate you just being here I'm so grateful for just sharing and being authentic and being transparent for the person that's just like this is hard in this season and just having these honest open conversations that are just so needed in culture right now.

Prince Tate (51:52.312)
Yeah. Yeah, well, thank you so much for having me. So Father, we just thank you for this moment. We thank you for this time. We thank you for those who are listening now. And we pray that God, that you will continue to shine your light on them. And that as you shine your light on them, that they will begin to shine their light in this dark world, wherever they are, in the grocery store, in the workplaces, or even just at home. Father, we pray.

that you will continue to reveal yourself to them as they seek you. Your word says that you will be found and you will continue to reveal your purpose, your plan unto them. For the Bible says that you know the thoughts. I'm sorry. For your word says that, I'm sorry.

Father, we just thank you for just making an impact on these listeners. We thank you for just allowing us to have this moment and even this platform to encourage your people. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Brittany Durphey (53:08.138)
Amen. Thank you.